Want to get Published? – TechPad is the team for that.
Want to get professional talent in your game or app? – TechPad is the team for that.
Want your app/game featured on Apple? TechPad has a team for that.
Need Marketing/PR? TechPad has a team for that.
Simply put, whether for the Apple iPhone or any other mobile phone you wish to create an application for,
you want TechPad on your team.
TechPad Productions is an experienced mobile application and video game production company. Whether we are working on developing our own IP or yours, we get the job done on-budget and on-time while working with some of the best people in the industry.
In addition, TechPad Productions is a Screen Actors Guild Signatory. So what does that mean? It means we can hire Hollywood talent for any apps and games we are involved with.